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List your business in the newly created Taghkanic Business Directory!
Are you the owner of a small business located in the Town of Taghkanic? Are you a business owner who lives in Taghkanic? If your business is physically located in Taghkanic, or if you reside in Taghkanic and have a business in the area, and you’d like to be included in the Taghkanic Business Directory, please complete the information form at the bottom of this page.
- Taconic Wine and Liquor
- Selling a variety of liquors, wine and hard seltzer.
- Address: 920 State Route 82
- Hours of Operation: Mon-Sun, Noon - 8pm
- Phone: 518-851-7230
- Website: Taconic Wine and Liquor
- Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Store.
- Website: Priscillawoolworth
- JoJo's Pizzeria
Family owned and operated Italian restaurant and pizzeria. Serving Taghkanic since 1995. Renowned for our pastas, chicken wings, stromboli, calzone, pizza rolls, Italian subs, eggplant parm, and of course our pizza - all ingredients made in-house. Save room for an espresso and filled to order cannoli, or a scoop of Perry's ice cream.
- Address: 1015 State Route 82
- Hours of Operation: Tue - Sun, Noon - 8pm; Closed Mon & Tue
- Phone: 518-851-6567
- Website: JoJo's Pizzeria
Your business listing will be included in the Taghkanic Business Directory published on the Town website. We will contact you if additional information is needed, and for approval of any editing changes. Once the information is published on the website, the business contact is responsible for any necessary revisions and updates. They can be made by contacting the Digital Communications Team at
DISCLAIMER: Inclusion in the Taghkanic Business Directory does not constitute an endorsement of any business by the Town of Taghkanic.